vimwikiblog document


Vimwikiblog convention for .wiki


  1. You must have knowledge with vimwiki
  2. git clone
  3. cd vimwikiblog
  4. edit ~/.vimrc,depend on config/vimrc, must add template_path,template_default,template_ext,css_name in vimwiki_list
  5. edit config/config.json wiki,html under base is the wiki dir and vimwiki's output dir,you can set ftp account in upload
  6. edit vimwikiblog/config/vimwiki.tpl and vimwikiblog/config/generate.tpl.Replace all xxx string with your own
  7. Modify all .wiki files according to vimwikiblog convention (important!!).thers are examples in vimwikiblog/wiki/
  8. If first run, open wiki file with vim,type :VimwikiAll2HTML to convert all wiki files into html
  9. cd vimwikiblog, and run python3 tools/ -c config/config.json, will generate blog files in blog/ and upload to ftp(if configed)
  10. copy blog/style0.css to remote blog directory
  11. Upload site directory to blog server, make sure that it has the parent directory as same as the blog directory.
